

Celebration for 80th Anniversary of Japanese Emigration to Amazon

30 Sep, 2009

On September 20, the memorial ceremony was held, well, in sort of grand style in Manaus. (The Tomé-Açu settlement had their anniversary on Sept. 16, while people in Belem celebrated the anniversary on Sept. 18. These events had been planned on staggered schedules so as to enable people living in the respective areas to take part in the events held at both locales. You need to take into account the time required for traveling between these places. You would take a bus to travel 400km between Belem and Tomé-Açu, and go by air to negotiate the distance of 1300km between Belem and Manaus. The vastness of the Amazon basin must be beyond the imagination of anybody who has never been here.)

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Shoji Hashimoto

Homecoming to Japan, July 1

30 Jul, 2009

On July 1, I hopped backed to Japan after 11 months absence. While I was there, I learned that many of my friends taking an interest in the Amazon had been anxiously wondering what might have happened to me since I had failed to update my blog for the past six months. I should hold myself culpable in my having given those worried friends lots of gray hairs.

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Shoji Hashimoto

Greetings for the New Year

15 Jan, 2009

Happy New Year, King of the Pond!


Croc: Look, I'm not the one that devoured the aracari. That guy is only 1.2m long and 8 kilos in weight, but I am as long as 2m and weigh more than 25 kilos. People around here call me 'King of the Pond.' Wasn't born here but took the liberty of settling in this pond. I feel cozy here. Lots of food. That's why I'm getting fat around the middle these days, ha, ha, ha....

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Shoji Hashimoto

The Last Day of the Year

13 Jan, 2009

The end of the year is rolling up on us.

In consequence of the global financial crisis, the Brazilian currency, Real, has been devaluated by about 40% against the US dollar.

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Shoji Hashimoto

Manaus Bears the Brunt of Heavy Rains

13 Jan, 2009

It began to rain in the middle of the night around 2:00AM.


I first thought it wouldn't be as bad as last time, but yet the downpour worried me a bit, so I came to the Museum a little earlier than usual, at around 7:30AM, and this is what I discovered.

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Shoji Hashimoto

Between Intermittent Rains (Part 3)

13 Jan, 2009


Guess what this is.

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Shoji Hashimoto

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