The Tupi people, one of the main ethnic groups of Brazilian indigenous people, believe in a male supernatural being called “Curupira” that guards the forest in Tupi mythology. I crowned this BLOG with his name because I aspire the BLOG, which deals with insects as part of the nature, to play a role just like Curupira who protects the forest from the destructive habits of man.
17 Sep, 2008
I found a moth resting on a wall.
The closeup picture on the right shows its real size, almost.
This is a moth called Nothus diana in the family Sematuridae.
This particular species probably ranks among the 5 most gorgeous moths in the Amazon; I would say so with some reservation because such preferential judgment varies from person to person.
If I were elsewhere, I would immediately catch it and spread the wings and display the specimen in a showcase as proud as a peacock, but here in the Amazon such a rowdy behavior is prohibited at present. So, would you please settle for the photos?
Penned on the 15th of September